
Top Tips To Write SEO Friendly Content

Content is the heart of digital marketing because when content are written in the best way possible and that too in an SEO friendly way, it can transform the whole website by attracting a lot of organic web traffic to your website that can boost your business. It is very disappointing that after giving your heart out to the contents of your website, you are still not getting a proper response in terms of traffic and are not able to achieve what your website deserves. This is because most of the websites are still not following authentic SEO friendly content that can get them the best ranking on Google. The reality is that most of us concentrate more on content writing and often ignore how to write SEO friendly contents. In this article, we will discuss at length some tips that will enable you to write quality contents and make them optimized for search engines as well.

Concentrate On Ranking Factors

While writing content, if you concentrate more on web writing and don’t keep ranking factors in mind then your whole effort will not be effective. Before starting a content, it is very essential that you must have complete information about what you are to write. You have to ask yourself why you are writing the content of your website in the first place and then proceed further. The reason is that it will help you to understand what is more important to include in the contents and can help in developing the story around it too. Also, knowing that what search engine is searching for can help you a lot in making relevant contents that can get listed quickly on Google without having any duplicate contents.

Keywords are Very Important

After determining the purpose of the content, you have to collect keywords by doing some keyword research. It is very important to search for the relevant keywords because they are the words that your audience will look for when they are searching on a search engine. Keywords will make sure that your content gets listed fast on Google because you have written it in a way that can easily attract Google’s attention. You can also use some keyword tools like Google Adwords or Word Tracker to collect relevant keywords and keep a track of them throughout writing your content so that you don’t miss any useful word if it is needed in your contents.

Keep Your Contents Updated From Time to Time

Content needs to be updatable from time to time. This is something that people often forget and to keep your contents updated in a regular way, you have to make them SEO friendly from the beginning. One of the best and also easy way to do it is by including relevant keywords in headings, content and alt tags of images or videos so that search engine can easily locate the content when they crawl your website. It is advisable that you should not include website name in heading or title tag because Google will not give ranking for a duplicate content on different pages of your website.

Answer Your Visitor’s Query

In most of the cases, visitor queries are the only reason that visitors come to your website. You can easily increase visitors on your website by answering their query in an effective way. In case you don’t know how to answer their query then you have to Google it and see if there are any answers or not with the help of which you can answer their question. It is always a good idea to stock some time keeping queries in your mind so that when they occur, you can easily give them a proper response without going through a lot of hassle.

Leverage Your Website For Free Promotions

Most of us spend a lot of money on advertising or using social media to promote our website. We should not always rely on the efforts of others when we can easily use our own website too to market it. There are a lot of free and effective ways that you can use your website to promote your business and gain a more powerful position in the search engine results page.

Use Call to Action

When you give a good response to your visitor’s query, you need to make sure that you have incorporated a call to action in your contents. Whether it is a button or not, it should be visible on all pages of your website where the visitor can see when he browses any page of your website. It is one of the most effective ways to get people interested in what you are offering and they can easily explore more information on the subject or buy it without any kind of hassle.

Make Your Contents Easy to Read

The point doesn’t matter whether someone is reading or listening anything while there are so many persuasive ads available on television and other social media platforms available online.

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